Practiceology "7 Questions in 7 Minutes" Podcast

How to Overcome Fear and Build Inertia - with Michael Silva

Episode Notes

We were thrilled to have Michael Silva join me on the latest episode of the "Practiceology 7 Questions in 7 Minutes" podcast. 🎧

 Michaels journey from a basement office in Rhode Island to a successful health business expert is nothing short of inspiring! 🌟

In our lively discussion, we delve into the struggles and triumphs of health business ownership.

For health professionals feeling stuck or burnt out, Michael's insights are a beacon of hope. 🛤️

Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation:

✅ Overcoming Inertia: Fear is the entrepreneur's biggest hurdle. Michael emphasizes the power of overcoming this to find success, joy, and fulfillment in starting or growing a private practice.

✅ Vision and Mission Alignment: Crafting a robust vision and mission statement isn't just a theoretical exercise – it's a practical tool. Use it to guide your marketing, hiring, and company culture to avoid costly mismatches.

✅ The Right Pace for the Right People: 'Hire slow and fire fast' was the mantra Michael learned the hard way. His advice? Take your time to find the right fit for your business to avoid long-term headaches.

For the full scoop on Michael's expert strategies, and how to avoid the pitfalls that trap many health business owners, listen to the full episode. 📲 

Plus, check out Michael's website for a personal discovery call offering tailored advice for your situation. 💡

Don't let another day of feeling overwhelmed control your professional journey. Tune in, and let's run towards your dreams together!


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