Practiceology "7 Questions in 7 Minutes" Podcast

How to Package Your Treatment Options and Grow Your Health Business in Just 7 Minutes with Ted Jedynak

Episode Summary

In this episode leading Podiatrist, Business Mentor and Educator, Ted Jedynak, shares his secrets to standing out from the competition by providing packaged health care solutions.

Episode Notes

Click HERE or the link below to get Ted's FREE Foot Mobilization Therapy Course


Paul 0.00

Welcome everyone to the next Practiceology podcast episode. And I've got a great session today. I've got the great Ted Jedynak joining me. Ted, thanks for joining us on the on the Practiceology podcast.

Ted  0:37 

It's my pleasure to be here, Paul, thank you for the opportunity. 

Paul  0:40 

I will do the formal introduction as always. During an epic 30 year plus career in business, Ted's built and successfully sold five allied health practices across Sydney, Gold Coast and Adelaide, Australia, has been a mentor and trainer of health practitioners globally with specific focus on his foot mobilisation techniques, FMT. He now helps allied health business owners increase profits, train their team members and increase their quality of life. And he was also a featured speaker on our world podiatry business success summit, which you can find at

Ted, thanks for joining us, ready to rock into this when you got seven minutes.

You know the seven minute format seven questions in seven minutes. Are you ready to go Ted?

Ted with six minutes and 57 seconds left. Ted, who is your ideal client?

Ted  1:52 

My ideal clients, are health practitioners who want to master MSK conditions of the lower limb and position themselves in the marketplace as lower limb experts.

Paul 2:04 

Question number two, with six minutes and 35 seconds left? What is what is the problem you solve Ted? 

Ted  2:15 

The problem I solve is helping health practitioners stand out from the sea of competition. So we want them to stand out so they can be highly profitable and have impactful businesses.

One of our clients has got 13 clinics, direct competitors within four kilometres. So it's not getting any easier for them. So yeah. Practitioners need to be able to stand out.

Paul  2:55 

So question three, what are the typical symptoms people experience with this problem? What do they suffer from?

Ted  3:02 

Okay, so when there's competition there, basically, as a business owner, there's a constant struggle to meet your income goals. You're working way too hard for not much return. And that means you spend so much time, energy and money this is wasted. Because your business isn't serving you. It isn't serving your life. You wonder, is it all worth it?

Paul  3:29 

What are the common mistakes your clients make when trying to solve this?

Ted  3:40 

Yeah, the most common mistake is that they generalists. They think if they provide more services, that means they can help more people, it's a bigger market, it's gonna be better for their business. This is faulty thinking because they end up doing what everyone else is doing and that means they look like everyone else. 

When they advertise, they basically wasting their time, their energy and their money, because they're not connecting with a specific audience. When you're a generalist, you don't stand out from that sea of competition. And as a result, your business will, it'll get average results at best.

Paul  4:27 

And I suppose then pricing becomes the same as everyone else?

Ted  4:34 

Exactly. How do you differentiate yourself? It's like really, literally, you get to the end, if you rely on price, or that's you again, doing your no gap. Initial consult offers, which is all a bit of a thing at the moment. It's very subtle, so many more effective ways to position yourself in the marketplace.

Paul  4:54 

So Ted, what is one valuable free action Practiceology podcast listeners can do that they can implement quickly and easily that will help them solve this problem and make some progress?

Ted  5:09 

So first thing you got to do is you got to stop thinking like a generalist and think like a specialist. So to do this, you've got to identify your ideal client. And by that, I mean, who are the people you love to serve. 

So literally, you can do this as simply as recalling that one case, where it was one specific client that you helped transform their life. 

Most health practitioners can do that pretty easily, because I mean, they're doing that regularly. Once you know, your ideal client, you can create your niche service that stands out in the marketplace. 

This is the crucial key to building a highly profitable business, because that niche service, like it becomes a very lucrative asset. Please understand this, it doesn't mean that your niche service is all you do. But it should be the majority of the work that you want to provide if you want to crush it in business. 

I created my niche service in 1994. That was for my ideal clientele, who were proactive women who were frustrated with orthotic therapy. We built multiple clinics on this niche service and we never looked back. We now help other health practitioners around the world find their niche services that they too can have a highly profitable business.

Paul  6:33 

What is one valuable free resource that you can direct people to that will help them achieve this goal? 

Ted  6:46 

if you want to build a niche service, based on MSK conditions for the lower limb, then getting skilled in foot mobilisation therapies, that's probably the best place to start. 

It's as simple as going to we've got a free online course which you can find it

Download the course get stuck into it. It also helps you how to enrol prospective clients with that and that will really give you a good head start.

And we're effectively teaching them we're given the taster of FMT foot mobilisation therapy, and how they can use that to niche their practices,

You get the initial assessment happening, get X ray diagnosis techniques there. And then a training on to ankle mobilisation techniques spelled out for you step by step.

Paul  7:49 

What's the one question I should have asked you that would give great value to our audience?

Ted  8:06 

That question should have bee,n what makes for a highly fulfilling career as a health practitioner? 

Oh, I'm glad you asked that, Paul. I would say a lot of stress and burnout can be avoided when you realise that you can choose to forge a unique path. 

You don't have to do what everyone else is doing. 

The best advice I can give is, Zig while everyone else is zagging, if that makes sense. 

Don't follow the herd capitalise on what excites you? What is it that lights you up? What challenges you to be your best? Because, like the world truly needs you and your unique contribution.