Practiceology "7 Questions in 7 Minutes" Podcast

The Clinic That Works Without You with Nick Schuster

Episode Notes

In this episode, we are joined by our good friend and creator of the "Ultimate Physio" program, Nick Schuster, who is no stranger to the "7 Questions in 7 Minutes" podcast, we think this is his third time in the podcast spotlight.

We keep getting him back because we love his content and the immense value he brings to each episode.

In this session , Nick shared the details of his upcoming "The Clinic That Works Without You" online training event, as well as sharing some of the key secrets of practice ownership.

Here are some of the key takeaways from this podcast episode as well as insights he will be sharing in his upcoming live online event:

#  More than ever, you need to spend your time and energy running the business, not looking after your patients. Your team are the new equivalent of your patients. Nurture them and the business grows.

# You need a greater emphasis than ever on your numbers. Benchmarks, PMS productivity stats, rebooking, cancellations, DNAs, all of that stuff. I watch it weekly and discuss with my leaders weekly.

# You need 3-4 different ways to take the "pulse" of your team. Nick calls this a rhythm.

# You need to get all of the knowledge of how to run your clinic out of your head, and into the heads of your leaders. And you need to provide them enough support and backup too.

Wise words as always.

If you want more details about Nick's upcoming live "The Clinic That Works Without You" event - click on the link below - and use the code - Paul  - at the checkout to save an extra 25%.


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FREE “Earn More – Work Less- Kickstart” Session

To find out if you are suitable for the Practiceology™ program – click on the link below and book a FREE “Earn More Work Less – Kickstart Session" with program creator - Paul Wright: