Practiceology "7 Questions in 7 Minutes" Podcast

Understanding Human Rights and AI with the Human Rights Commissioner - Lorraine Finlay

Episode Notes

In this episode of the Practiceology 7 Questions in 7 Minutes Podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Lorraine Finlay, Human Rights Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission.

In the podcast Lorraine shared invaluable insights, enlightening us on the intersection of human rights with healthcare and business practices.

🌟 Here are just two key takeaways for our listeners:

 **Human Rights in Healthcare:** Lorraine emphasized that the right to health is a fundamental human right. Allied health business owners play a crucial role in respecting and integrating human rights into their practices, going beyond economic impacts to consider the human implications of their services.

-**Active Engagement and Awareness:** The importance of businesses engaging in human rights not only complies with legal standards but also ensures they are consciously avoiding causing harm. This involves understanding and implementing anti-discrimination laws, privacy rights, and more within daily operations.

As Lorraine wisely mentioned, "Human rights start in small places close to home." 

Let's all be inspired to think globally while acting locally, making a difference one step at a time.

Listen to the full episode here.

You can also click the link below to know more about The Australian Human Rights Commission.


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